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NEWS 2019

Here you’ll find all the latest news and information from Caerleon  Civic Society.

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December 2019



The Caerleon Civic Society was delighted to accept Caerleon Festival’s invitation to have a table at their annual Christmas Farmers’ Market on Saturday 7th December in the Town Hall.

This was a chance for CCS members to meet people and hear of the major problems that are concerning so many living in and around Caerleon.

CCS would like to thank the volunteers:

Marilyn Custard             Cllr. Jason Hughes

Huw Jones                     Liz Luck

John Palmer                  Cllr. Joan Watkins

Andrew Taylor

for giving up their time and to Salli Morris for providing relevant leaflets and posters.

One mystery remained - the familiar air of Fr Christmas who “ho-ho’d” around the Hall to everyone’s delight.  Did they know who he was? No one could be certain!

November 2019

October 2019

' Walking through Caerleon' took place on the 9th of November .

Led by Aled Singleton the walk discovered how people grew up and reached adulthood during the 1960s & 1970s.


CAERLEON BRIDGE - continues to hold a special place in the hearts and minds of both residents and visitors. Over the years the CCS has been vigilant in drawing attention to its listed status, its on-going condition as a result of its heavy and continuous use and the need for all authorities to care for its repair and maintenance. Members have been particularly concerned in recent times when a combination of high tides and heavy rainfall has created high water levels in the Usk and highlighted the threat to this elderly structure. It was decided to contact the Newport City Council and Natural Resources Wales to find out what is being done about monitoring its condition and alerting the local community to the consequences of flood conditions around the bridge. Other local Civic Societies will be contacted to explore ways in which CCS can be part of any discussions concerning the future of the bridge

September 2019

Who remembers the CAERLEON BY-PASS?
When a major housing development is proposed within a small close-knit community, one must consider accompanying infrastructure improvements to support the impact of the extra housing and an increase in population. This was the case in 1990 when a proposal for 600 houses, a marina and promenade was on the table.


August 2019


This iconic site deserves the highest quality of development for the future to mirror its illustrious past as a place of education for everyone.
Will Redrow’s scheme deliver the highest quality both for the intended residents and the surrounding community?

July 2019

At its June meetin  CCS braved a wet Summer’s evening to consider and discuss issues of local importance and concern.

The Society had submitted its comments to the City Council about the draft Sustainable Travel Strategy report.

We are very interested in the ways in which the decision not to proceed with building the M4 relief road, the ‘Black Route’, will impact on our community.

Also there is some public comment about how the considerable financial resources released by the Welsh Government decision could be redirected towards a range of alternative initiatives in and around Newport. The Civic Society wants to be part of the discussion about these future spending plans.

June 2019

Today, 20th June  is the day Saints Aaron and Julius of Caerleon are commemorated.

Aaron and Julius are considered as martyrs who are believed to have been killed for their Christian beliefs during the Diocletianic Persecution of Christians at Caerleon in 304. 

 The edict demanded that Christians should comply with the historically established religious practices of Rome. One legend says that Julius was a Roman soldier and Aaron a native Briton, who were converted to Christianity by Amphibalus, the priest protected by St Alban, prior to their torture and deaths at the Roman amphitheatre at Caerleon.

By 1200, their martyrdom had achieved cult status with at least three churches dedicated to them in Caerleon. The current Roman Catholic church in Caerleon was built at the end of the 19th century and is dedicated to Aaron, Julius, and Saint David.

This article has been taken from The History of Wales Facebook page   

May 2019


Caerleon Civic Society welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the consultation for the Sustainable Travel Strategy. 

Read the full Consultation Response here
April 2019

Members were looking at the report for practical action that would have an immediate effect.

It was agreed to set-up a small sub-group of members to put their views together and to bring back a report to the next CCS meeting in May, prior to submitting a response to Newport City Council.

If you want to give CCS your views about this important issue for our community, please come along to their next meeting on May 13th at the White Hart @ 7.30pm, or contact us on Facebook or

The Caerleon Civic Society held a well - attended meeting at the White Hart on Monday, April 8th.

The main item for discussion was the Newport City Council report called Sustainable Travel Strategy (Air, Noise and Sustainability Action Plan). This report has been approved for public consultation and is available on the City Council website.

A wide-ranging discussion of the issues was held – especially those that affect Caerleon. Many important points were made about the levels of air pollution in the area and the feasibility of a ‘clean air zone’ for central Caerleon; the impact of heavy goods vehicle, coaches and buses; what can be done to limit the pollution coming from private cars – older, diesel cars, in particular; what can be done to promote ‘active travel’, especially walking and cycling to and from school.

March 2019

The Caerleon Civic Society held its AGM on March 11th at the White Hart, High Street. The well-attended meeting received brief reports from the Chairman and Treasurer concerning the Society’s activities during the last year.

This covered their continuing concern for air quality in Caerleon and the progress being made on contacting various organisations, which have responsibilities for this issue, such as the Police and the City Council.


CCS regularly discusses current planning applications and pass their comments to Newport City Council. The application being made by the Celtic Manor affecting the various permissive footpaths that cross it’s property was considered.

Although the meeting was sympathetic to the difficulties that the Celtic Manor has in dealing with anti-social behaviour, it was also felt that public access was an important principle which should continue to be seen as an key part of the Resort’s development projects which have received planning permission in the past.

On balance, CCS could not support the current application to relieve the Celtic Manor of its planning obligations to provide a number of permissive footpaths.


Notice was received that the City Council intend to demolish some existing buildings and provide some new buildings at the Comprehensive School that would allow the school to take more students.

Members welcomed being consulted at this early stage but were concerned that the proposals could have the affect of worsening the traffic problems in the wider area and that the new buildings needed to be in keeping with the surrounding area which is adjacent to both the Conservation Area and various Roman sites.

February 2019

Caerleon Museum - Ideas for the future

This month  CCS  welcomed DAI PRICE, the Head of Big Pit & National Roman Legion Museum who gave a fascinating talk entitled “CAERLEON’s MUSEUM – Ideas for the Future”.

He explained that he had worked for Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales for over 20 years and this included working at other sites such as St Fagans National Museum of History.

He gave a brief overview of the history of the National Roman Legion Museum. Opened in 1850 by the Monmouthshire Antiquarian association, making it the second oldest Museum in Wales.

Given its last major face lift in 1987 and for some time Amgueddfa Cymru has been considering plans for further redevelopment.

The current closure for essential roof maintenance was explained. Staff and collections are still on site and the school visits are still running. Noted that the initial work has gone well, although there were some challenges with the larger items in the collection. The expectation is that the Museum will open in the Autumn of 2019.

The Thurley Review was discussed, in particular its reference to developing the Roman offer in

Caerleon. Noted that Amgueddfa Cymru, Cadw and Newport Government will all have to be on board, plus it needs the backing of the Welsh Government. Early meetings have taken place in 2018. The challenges of infrastructure was clearly identified and it was hoped that any potential development would encourage this.

The importance of working with the community was emphasised. Elements such as the current move towards participatory museums were explained and the concept of ‘how the Romans changes life in Wales, and still impact our world today’ was noted as a possible direction.

Questions were taken and discussions covering areas such as access to the town, telling stories beyond the Romans and the impact of changes to local facilities

January 2019

Caerleon Civic Society Post Festive Meal

Thursday 24th January found over 20 members of the Caerleon Civic Society gathered at their Post Festive meal at the Goldcroft restaurant in Caerleon. Much appreciation was given to staff, the service and quality of the food all of which helped to make it a memorable occasion.
Thank you goes to Barbara Gilfillan for photos and creating a beautifully decorated table.

©2018 by Caerleon Civic Society.

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